IWD 2019: Sisterhood Is SO Powerful!

Thanks to all who contributed so much to make our 5th Annual IWD Celebration such a success: our wonderful performers, speakers & crew — especially the amazing Loretta Ross! Special shout-out to the IWD 2019 crew for all their hard work on this extraordinary event. Dance, music, & speaking truth to power — all to keep women’s health in women’s hands! This year’s annual gathering was especially inspirational, helping us gear up for the challenges and celebrate the triumphs of another year of radical activism on behalf of women. (Special thanks to photographer Marc Dadigan for capturing the joy.)

5th Annual International Women’s Day Celebration!

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #BetterForBalance — and we’ve got a program that will make our #IWD2019 celebration better than ever before! Though women have made progress in the last year, from the new wave of women in Congress to the #MeToo movement to global improvements in women’s health and welfare, the statistics show we have a long way to go to reach a safe and balanced world. Toward this end, NSWHN’s mission remains riveted on the goal of educating our community to promote gender equity and women’s reproductive rights, and our IWD celebration is a highlight of our yearly work.

This time, we’re honored to welcome a very special guest. Renowned feminist activist and professor Loretta Ross will conduct a conversation on navigating white supremacy in the Age of Trump, drawing on half a century of activism for social change. Dynamic and insightful, Dr. Ross’s conversations inspire the transformation of apathy and anger into activism for social justice.  NSWHN is excited to present a platform to share her essential insights here in rural Far Northern California.

So, on June 9, 5–8 p.m. at the Atrium in downtown Redding, come celebrate with us! Enjoy music, dance and spoken word performances by local artists, discover and support local women-focused businesses and entrepreneurs, and share solidarity and sisterhood with women in our community and beyond.

Tickets available here: $20 general, $200 VIP table of 6, and students are free with ID! IWD 2019

Northstate Women’s Health Network announces The Robert McCrea Community Project Memorial Fund


Family, friends, and the Northstate Women’s Health Network mourn the passing and celebrate the life of Robert (Mr. B) McCrea. He is survived by a family that loves him deeply led by his amazing wife, Linda, as well as countless others touched by his generous spirit.

Mr. B’s passion and way of expressing his love for those around him came in the form of projects. Starting with the Forest Service to his many years working with Western Emulsions improving our roads, he spent his life engineering projects that have strengthened our communities’ infrastructure. For over 20 years Mr. B and Linda have worked with the Northstate Women’s Health Network empowering women and men to be as healthy and vibrant as they can be. Help us continue his legacy by supporting the Robert McCrea Community Project Memorial Fund. Mr. B requested, in lieu of flowers, those who want to express their love for him to do so by supporting this year’s Student Delegation to El Salvador, a community project near and dear to his heart.

Since 2007, Mr. B’s son-in-law, Christopher Rodriguez, a History Instructor at Shasta College,  has led ten student-delegations to El Salvador where participants have invested funds for locally-defined infrastructure projects. Mr B. was passionate about these trips as they support his dedication to community projects on a global scale. In the past students have funded and helped construct a community amphitheater, roads, septic system, and housing. This January for two weeks seventeen students will be living with families in the countryside and working with them to improve their access to potable water.

To make a tax deductible donation in the name of the Robert McCrea Community Project Memorial Fund (RMCPMF), click here:
Donate Online Here for the Robert McCrea Community Project Memorial Fund

Or send your donation to:

Northstate Women’s Health Network, Attention: RMCPMF

P.O. Box 493992, Redding, CA 96049

What’s more, your love and dedication to Mr. B will allow students to have life-changing experiences with our neighbors to the south that will fill their cups. Here’s one student’s reflection on their trip:

“I was talking to a friend in the U.S. a few days after we all returned from El Salvador; he asked how it was and all of that, and I gave him just a few brief sentences about how incredible it was to be back, how much I love being there, loved the people I met (both from El Salvador and the United States), so on and so forth… and all he said in reply was, so simply, “So El Salvador is home, then.” And I realized in that moment that, yes, in a way, it has become a home for me. I have had some of the most extraordinary moments in that nation, developed some of the most incredible connections, had some of the most meaningful conversations. I know that I will never write a reflection paper that can truly capture that; I will never be able to explain to others why I cannot stay away (and, furthermore, why I do not want to). All that I can do now is figure out how El Salvador and Central America fits into my future, if I am truly called to be there, and in what regard. Here goes.

My cup has been filled. Gracias, El Salvador.”

In loving memory of you Mr. B, our cup is filled.

below, El Salvador group for January 2019!


For some images of past projects in El Salvador, please click below:

Promo_ElSal_2019_short copy

Other images from past trips:2014-08-03092731_zps059ca7ef2014-08-04111057_zpsdf8584cdDSCN5820_zps106bfdaaDSCN5847_zps0e6b25f41653765_10202514471123327_1381631182278645544_n

NSWHN’s 5th International Women’s Day CELEBRATION!


Come celebrate with NSWHN at our free yearly
Saturday, March 10, 2018, 5-8 pm
The Atrium
1670 Market St.
Redding, CA

• Speakers & Advocates
• Performances by local women artists, dancers, & musicians
• Booths for women’s businesses & organizations
• Silent Auction
• Refreshments – Donated Wines & Chocolates

Contact and booth info: 
Linda McCrea


Sponsored by Viva Downtown!


NSWHN & WHS Response to Shasta County’s ‘No Sanctuary’ Status

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February 14, 2018

With this joint statement, Women’s Health Specialists and Northstate Women’s Health Network condemn the Shasta County Board of Supervisors’ February 6, 2018 resolution designating our county as “no sanctuary” for immigrants who lack U.S. documentation.

This shameful resolution flouts California state law (SB-54) and makes a clear and troubling statement about Shasta County’s identity—a divisive, racist identity that WHS and NSWHN forcefully reject. In an America that is increasingly dangerous for people of color, where white supremacy is supported in the highest office and hate crimes are at record highs, this resolution is a grave threat to our community.

At the meeting, NSWHN and WHS board members joined other community members in speaking out against the resolution. We publicly stated our serious concern that the resolution will divide our county’s residents, intimidate immigrant and Latinx community members, encourage racist harassment and hate crimes, jeopardize public safety, expose the county to costly legal consequences, and diminish its reputation and revenue as a tourist hub.

WHS and NSWHN support all of our clients and their families, regardless of their legal status or country of origin. We stand with immigrant communities, and pledge to provide services and welcome them in our clinics and in the larger community.

At this challenging time, we urge county residents to join us in supporting unity in Shasta County. Only through compassion and inclusion can we triumph over the toxic politics of racism and division.

Katrina Cantrell                                                                Rowan Price
Executive Director                                                             Board President
Women’s Health Specialists                                             Northstate Women’s Health Network

Laurie O’Connell, Linda McCrea and Joy Newcom-Wade
Board Members
Northstate Women’s Health Network

Native Youth Talking Circle – September 25, 2017

The Northstate Women’s Health Network is looking for Native youth, ages 18-24, to participate in Project PaTHwAY (Preventing and Treating HIV with American Indian Youth). Join us for community building, leadership development, education, prevention and cultural activities – participants will receive a $25 gift card!

This event is being held on Monday, September 25, 2017 at 6pm-8pm at the Redding Rancheria Community Center, 2000 Rancheria Road, Redding,CA 96003. To register or for more information contact Danielle Brewster, Program Coordinator at (530) 515-1508 or dbrewster24@yahoo.com. Event registration is not required but is requested. We look forward to seeing you on the 25th!


International Women’s Day Celebration – March 4, 2017

Northstate Women’s Health Network is excited to invite the community to our annual International Women’s Day on Saturday, March 4, 2017, from 2pm-4pm. This Mixer with a  Message will be held at The Atrium, 1670 Market Street in Redding, CA. We will host speakers, artists, silent auction and refreshments to celebrate this important day! Please contact Linda McCrea at (530) 945-2158 with questions.



NSWHN thanks Viva Downtown for their important sponsorship of this event! #BEBOLDFORCHANGEinternational-womens-day-2017